June 20, 2024

Come and visit the on-the-go studios of artists from the Gatineau Hills!
Art in the Park is an arts event happening on Saturday afternoons (12-4 PM) for the
months of July and August at Parc Roquebrune in Wakefield.
Participants at Art in the Park can view and purchase art, attend a workshop offered by
artists and/or musicians, view a performance piece, and visit the artists at their ‘on the
go’ studio. Local food vendors are within walking distance.
This year’s “on-the-go” studios include the following artists from the Gatineau Hills:

  • Colette Coughlin is an artist whose mission is to honour the person and the
    human body, embracing it in all its diversity of forms, ages, and conditions to go
    beyond superficial appearances. She does portraits, self-portraiture, and body
    image work in a natural environment.
  • Katharine Fletcher is a fanciful dreamer who believes magic and mystery
    surround us, if only we have the eyes to see. Her art is deeply inspired by
    Nature, where she embraces three main themes: Enchantment, Spirit Horses,
    and Endangered (animals, beings, and landscapes). Although primarily a mixed-
    media artist, she loves printmaking, watercolour, and painted ceramics.
  • Hélène Anne Fortin has been a portrait photographer for over 30 years,
    capturing the essence of her clients and celebrating their lives visually in film
    and digital art.
  • Michèle Gagnon is a digital and mixed media artist. Inspired by feminism, the
    intersection of technology and the natural world, queer art, and social justice,
    Michèle creates designs to empower and liberate.
  • Spencer Hanna-Haworth is a painter from Toronto, living in Wakefield with his
    two and a half year old daughter. He paints in acrylic and working locally with
    another artist to produce a mural for a nearby business. He was originally
    drawn to visual art through superhero comics in the 90’s and book illustrations.
    Currently he’s been painting forests and landscapes lately.
  • Janice Moorhead is known across Canada for her stained glass, having created
    a body of work that employs a rather unique ‘painterly’ approach to glass – a
    layering technique that eliminates the need for the traditional soldered joints.
  • James Munro has been drawing and painting in the Gatineau Hills since 1982.
    His recent work includes original block prints on paper and acrylic paintings on
    lightweight cedar panels salvaged from unrepairable canoes.
  • Savanna Oliver’s passion is storytelling which she shares through photography
    and videography. “Everyone has a story. Everyone deserves to have a voice in
    any way that might be. I shoot what I love. I find that the truest form of art. I
    love two things – cars & people’s stories.”
  • Wendy Stephens aka Able Mabel, is a graphic designer/photographer
    specializing in portraiture & landscape. Her latest series titled: PATTERNS AND
    PAREIDOLIA takes us on a journey of patterns, movement, adaptability, and a
    world in flux that are all found in nature and in the minds’ imagination. She is
    pleased to be showcasing this series for the first time, along with other pieces
    of work at Wakefield’s Art in the Park.
  • Erin Thibault works in oils, creating bold and large-scale landscapes, florals and
    abstract art. Her work is inspired by a deep connection to nature, to wild
    spaces, and the natural world around me.
    This is a rain or shine event!
    Location: Parc Roquebrune (Turntable Park) in Wakefield (along the multi-use path
    between Wakefield General Store and the End of the Line Boutique).
    Admission: Free
    Art in the Park is brought to you by 100 Mile Arts Network with the generous support
    of the Secrétariat aux relations avec les Québécois d’expression anglaise and the
    Municipality of La Pêche.